The slippery world
At Sikhnet Discussion forum a girl posted <<<In my opinion, Sikhi is simple and sweet. It is not as complicated as humans make it ought to be. For me it is not only a religion, but also a way of life, my way of life. Although, I don't smoke, drink, cut my hair (i'm on this tip right now), engage in pre-marital sex, I do eat meat. I tried to be a vegetarian for a year, but my iron was extremely low and I decided to eat meat for health reasons. I try my best to be the best person I can be, and I try my best not to hurt others unintentionally or intentionally.______>>>
My reply was as follows----
Sat Siri Akalji, It is a gift of Waheguru.It can be given or taken by him at his sweet will.He is in the villain and also in the hero.He can turn a fool into a learned and a learned into a fool (khal moorakh te pandat karbo Pandat te mugdhari-SGGS). A few days ago I was telling my children that the world is very slippery.A single CD or a pen drive is enough to corrupt a person.So, let us be thankful to God that we are able to think rightly as within no time Maya can make us like inverted pots that can not store anything and we can become the foolest among the fools. May God bless all with the right type of thinking. Sikhi is a Gift of God.In Punjab the turbans ,the beards and the kesh have flung in the storm of Maya.You appear to be blessed by Waheguru.