How to be spiritually smart?
In the first Pauri(stanza)of Japji Sahib there is a question'kiv sachiara hoeae kiiv koore toote pal'(How to act smart and break the wall of false hood?)In the next line Guruji says 'hukam rajai chalna----'(Walk the way you are ordered to-by God)Now a days the world is a bit fast so walking briskly running or dancing(at work places or whereever) as we are ordered to(by God) without any grudge or rather with a smile and merrily come what may can make us spiritually smart.For most of the things a man is simply an onlooker and can practically do nothing.If we stop to watch,ponder and not march forward as per orders we would be dragged and that would be disgraceful as time waits for non and Hukam is a Hukam.Since we have to dance our share on this Earth, let us jump,skip,and dance as per the hukam of waheguru.It would not be funny.Rather it would be being graceful and being spiritually smart.