The bubble of life
I got an email from a young lady whose first child died just as he came into this world
The reply given by me was as follows
A wise person should prevent a further loss and damage.You and your husband ought to regain your physical and mental health a bit faster.Overcome the sadness as fast as possible.We human are such tender bubbles and a baby is all the more a tender bubble.Afterall it is not your fault.Look at the positive points in you.They are not without a reason:--
1-You are educated.
2-You have the capacity to reproduce.
3-You have a husband who shares your feelings
4-You are economically fine otherwise you wouldn't be having access to web.
5-You have relatives who care for you otherwise they wouldn't be trying to console you.
6-You are beautiful otherwise you wouldn't have sat near the sangat at a time of sorrow.
7-You are a well travelled person.
B-You are brave
9-You are pure at heart
10-You are full of positive energy
A baby is such a tender bubble.My wife had a miscarrriage.So many woman have misscarriages.It is not uncommon these days.Yours was more than a misscaarriage though.Now don't take it to heart.Men and women are renewed with reproductive energy over and again.Be strong and revive hope.You are going to come out stronger.May God make your life bloom to the fullest.As per Gurbani
the world can better be called a death zone than a living Zone.
Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 808 Fifth Mehla,
mrith ma(n)ddal jag saajiaa jio baaloo ghar baar || This perishable realm and world has been made like a house of sand. 1] binasath baar n laagee jio kaagadh boo(n)dhaar ||1|| In no time at all, it is destroyed, like the paper drenched with water. ||1||sun maeree manasaa manai maahi sath dhaekh beechaar || Listen to me, people: behold, and consider this within your mind. sidhh saadhhik girehee jogee thaj geae ghar baar ||1|| rehaao || The Siddhas, the seekers, house- holders and Yogis have forsaken their homes and left. ||1||Pause||jaisaa supanaa rain kaa thaisaa sa(n) saar 2] dhrisattimaan sabh binaseeai kiaa lagehi gavaar ||2|| All that is seen shall perish. Why are you attached to it, you fool? ||2|| kehaa s bhaaee meeth hai dhaekh nain pasaar || Where are your brothers and friends?3] eik chaalae eik chaalasehi sabh apanee vaar ||3|| Some have gone, and some will go; everyone must take his turn. ||3|| jin pooraa sathigur saeviaa sae asathhir har dhuaar || Those who serve the Perfect True Guru, remain ever-stable at the Door of the Lord. 31] jan naanak har kaa dhaas hai raakh paij muraar ||4||1||31|| Servant Nanak is the Lord's slave; preserve his honor, O Lord, Destroyer of ego. ||4||1||31||
A few days ago I read a tweet where it was written--- this world is a jail and we all are planning a jail break.Your child had a small journey in this Jail and is liberated.May his holy soul rest in peace in the lap of Guru Nanak.