The thirst
Sawaan and Badhon are the two months of Indian Calender when there is
some rain in the plains of North India.Whereas rains have been
celebrated by romantic poets extensively,the saints too have vented
out their spiritual feelings while celebrating the rains.'Morie
runhjhun laeya'(page 557 and 558)is one such shabad.In fact both the
rainy season and the spring season have found connsiderable place in
the divine as well as romantic poetry.At Pg1283 Guruji says that the
whole world is thirsty like the rain bird.At Pg 1419 and1420(Babeeha
sagli dharti je phiren) while addressing the rain bird Guruji tells
that the thirst of the soul can not be quenched anywhere on the earth
or the sky.Guruji further tells the rain bird(our soul)that the thirst
would be quenched only when we meet the Guru and get the water for the
soul.Often the romantic poets raise an honest question but leave it
unanswered.In fact it is none of their faults as they actually do not
know the answers.A poet in the following link is
confused about his thirst (like the rain bird)and complains that his
soul is thirsty even though these are the rainy months of Sawan and
Badhon.In a corner of his heart he believes it to be due to his
seperation from his beloved.But that we all know is also an illusion.
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