Healing Psychological wounds
There is a slok on page 1355(SGGSJ).It is the 18th slok.'Ghor
Dukham.......'.In this slok Guruji says even the disputes of very
serious nature get resolved and vanish away with Naam just like wood
vanishes in fire.In another shabad Guruji says Naam Simran can turn
even foes into friends.Simran is something that replaces self pride.A
few steps towards psychological healing.
1-Inflict no fresh psychological wounds to the other party.
2-Allow old pstchological wounds to heal by not bringing into
discussion what happened yesterday.Talk only of today and of present.
3-Revising words like Nirbhaw, Nirvair from mool mantar on daily basis.
4-Practising Satnam Waheguru in thought and deed on daily basis.
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